Who I Am
First, I will answer what may perhaps be your first question — Where’d you get the name “LaiLaiGirl”? It’s a handle I’ve used since I’ve been an Internet freak. A long, long time ago I was introduced to the anime (Japanese animation) Ranma 1/2.The closing song for Season 3 is titled Don’t Mind Lay-Lay Boy. Since that doesn’t exactly look good in English, I had to tweak it. Here’s a video of the theme song for your viewing and listening pleasure.
Professional Skills
• Eagle Eye:I’m details oriented in that everything I touch has to be error-free, especially when it comes to writing. I can spot typos and formatting errors from miles away. If there is an extra space between the last word and the period in a sentence, I’ll find it.
• Knowledge Sponge: I enjoy learning. I like to know how things work. Although I’m not an engineer, I was the type of kid who would take apart her broken toys to try and fix them. It’s kind of like working backwards. This is how I taught myself some basic HTML tags. I had used FrontPage Express to assist me in building my Geocities site. I looked at the source and went from there. Hands-on experience is the best way for me to learn.
Any opportunity to streamline a process and create a better user experience is my cup of tea.
• Customer Focused: The people I work with — my internal customers and external customers — drive me to do my best. Who wants to let people down? Not me. For my internal customers, I ensure I meet deadlines and deliver quality products. For my external customers, I ensure that I’m responsive to their needs by answering their questions and invite them back if they have questions later.
Personal Details
I was born in the land of the rising sun. I spent most of my life living in “America’s Finest City” (if you don’t know what that is, you should Google it).
My favorite pastimes include monkey clapping at my own jokes, doing Bill Cosby impressions and watching Grease and singing its tunes — in my sleep.
When I’m not writing/blogging, I’m baking. No, not basking in the sun or making *those* kinds of brownies. My best friend nowadays is my KitchenAid stand mixer. She is the love of my life. How I made it through life without her, I’ll never understand.
Have I blown your mind yet? If so, feel free to drop me a line, or two, or ten or a hundred. I want to hear your stories too! I certainly can’t be the only fool out there (or is the joke on me?).
My only request is that you not stalk me, unless your name happens to be Johnny Depp, Hugh Jackman or Jon Hamm.
Please note this site is still a work in progress. I’m trying to make it better, one day/hour/minute/second at a time.